Carbon Neutral

Carbon Neutral Commitment


Our Sustainability Journey

At Southside Accident Repair Centre, we are deeply committed to reducing our environmental impact and contributing to a sustainable future. That’s why we’re proud to announce that we have achieved carbon neutrality for the period April 2022 to March 2023, with a firm commitment to maintaining this status until March 2024.


What Does Carbon Neutrality Mean for Us?

Being carbon neutral means that we have taken significant steps to measure, reduce, and offset our carbon emissions in accordance with PAS 2060 standards. We have conducted a thorough assessment of our operations, implemented energy-efficient practices, and invested in renewable energy sources to minimize our carbon footprint.


Our Sustainable Practices

  • Renewable Energy: We have transitioned to renewable energy sources to power our operations, reducing our reliance on fossil fuels.
  • Energy Efficiency: We continually strive to improve energy efficiency throughout our facilities, from upgrading equipment to optimizing our processes.
  • Carbon Offsetting: For any remaining emissions that we cannot eliminate, we invest in verified carbon offset projects to neutralize our impact on the environment.